Monday, March 14, 2011

Daylight Savings Has Kicked My Butt

I think the time change has been way harder on me than the kiddos.

Either that, or it was the five hour road trip I took solo with the kiddos, plus the major party we threw for my sister, plus the intense insanity excitement of having four generations of women in my family under one roof for a weekend, plus the fact that The Baby is sick yet again, this time with vomiting and the runs. (Oh hello, washing machine!)

In any case, I am pretty exhausted, and don't have much in the arsenal of interesting anecdotes to share today.

I think I will just pass along the mantra we adopted for the weekend with my family (and I must credit my sister-in-law with coming up with it).

"You just can't argue with crazy!"

It was the quote of the weekend, and pretty much summed up the general course of conversation throughout our time together.

This particular quote of the weekend was almost eclipsed by my mom asking said sister-in-law, "Do you Lambada?", but when the answer was no, and the uninvited resulting lesson ensued, we were back to:

"You just can't argue with crazy!"

By the way, I love my family, love my dirty-dancing momma (who is one of my faithful readers), and had an awesome time with everyone who was there. Just wanted to share why I am a little tired.

Happy Monday!


  1. Sounds like fun! I wish I was tired for that reason (except the vomiting baby), rather than just cause the time change sucks. Hope the Baby feels better soon.

  2. Poor little baby, her grampa is sick too.

  3. Aw, I hope she feels better soon.

  4. Sorry your sweet baby is sick--again. Oh, do I understand. My kids have also been pretty good with the time change the time around. My husband and I are the ones not adjusting. We've been staying up much too late and have also been exhausted. I'm not a caffeine drinker, but I may need to start. :) Janae


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