Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Share What You Love AND Make Some Money!

Big news brewing here in the crazy house! Mommy got a - wait for it - JOB!!

Well, I am really more of an "independent contractor" but if it means a little money coming in, to finance my retail therapy/fast-food addiction/credit card payments, then I can cheer about it!

I have started tutoring. I got the idea from an old friend that I spoke with a couple of weeks ago, who mentioned that she had been doing a lot of tutoring, and it dawned on me - "hey, that would be a start!"

Sweet Hubby and I have recently had "the talk" about when Mommy might need to get back to bringing home the bacon, and not just frying it up in the pan. Our original target date of me getting back into the outside-the-home workforce (a year after The Baby was born) came and went with very little fanfare but it seems like that money tree I planted in the back yard did not survive the winter, so it was time to think about some income options.

I realized that it would make the most sense to look for something that would allow me to use my degree and the skills I am passionate about, rather than returning right away to my old career path which had sent me in a different direction all together from where I thought I would go from college, about a million years ago. It's not that I did not enjoy what I had been doing pre-The Baby, but I was not eager to return to the crazy hours and large quantities of stress that came along with that industry.

That's where the tutoring came in. Of course, I "googled" the subject and came across WyzAnt.  It's an online service for tutors and students to find each other. I simply signed up, created a profile, and less than a month later, I have two different tutoring gigs, and have already gotten my first paycheck!! The service allows you to search for jobs, search for tutors, evaluate and they even manage all the payment stuff.

If you are interested in finding out more about Tutoring Jobs available in your area, you can check out their link here http://www.wyzant.com, or search for tutoring jobs in the Side Bar box above.

I certainly don't know if I can parlay this into a steady stream of income and avoid the "back to work" scenario all together, but at least it will help, and I get to do something I really love. I will keep you posted!!

Has anyone else out there ever done tutoring? Any tips?


  1. Congratulations on the tutoring! I would think that as word gets around your area, you will be approached. Also, if you want more students, you might be able to the school know that you are available. Good luck with it!

  2. Yea for you!! :) I'm a stay at home mom & know the feeling of wanting to make some bacon too. I started my etsy shop. Its fun & I make a little $ too. Sounds like you found a great way to "make the bacon" as you say :)

  3. Congratulations! This sounds like the perfect way to ease back into work that generates income in money rather than kisses. Good luck!

  4. Congrats! Thanks for stopping by my place! I'm your newest follower and looking forward to hearing your story!


  5. This is fantastic! What a great way to make some extra $, and not worrying about the payment part is excellent. I am always chasing clients down for $...least favorite part of the job.

  6. This is great news! It makes so much sense to do what you love and get paid for it. Sounds like the perfect job for you right now!

  7. Sound like the perfect job! I'm also happy you found something you love. I've never heard of that company, but what a good idea.


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